Como: Attacks police officers and damages patrol car, 28-year-old arrested

Attacks police officers and damages patrol car, 28-year-old arrested

Como: Attacks police officers and damages patrol car, 28-year-old arrested

The State Police, on Sunday evening, has Arrested for contempt, resistance and violence to a public official, damage, a 28 year old with a criminal record, also reporting him at large for drunkenness and disorderly conduct, bodily harm and violations of the Aliens Act.

At around 19.30pm on Sunday, the patrol car intervened at the canteen of an institute as a quarrel between two people.

Upon arrival, the police officers found themselves faced with the 28 year old who started to swear at the officers who nevertheless made him get into the service car to take him to the police station. During the transport, however, the man's violence became more acute damaging some parts of the vehicle.

A second patrol collected the statements of the person attacked and the testimonies of those present at the scene of the incident and once the assault complaint had been formalised and the 28-year-old was identified with his criminal record, he was arrested pending trial.

Como: aggredisce i poliziotti e danneggia la volante, arrestato 28enne

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