Como, caught stealing goods at the supermarket, they attack the security guard and run away. 28-year-old reported for theft and attempted robbery in competition

The man, after being recognized as co-perpetrator of the crime, was investigated for theft and attempted robbery in competition and reported for the immigration violation as he was the recipient of expulsion orders notified to him a few days earlier.

Como, caught stealing goods at the supermarket, they attack the security guard and run away. 28-year-old reported for theft and attempted robbery in competition

The State Police reported at large for theft and attempted robbery in competition, a 28-year-old Moroccan, with a criminal record and no fixed abode.

The man, in collusion with an unknown accomplice, after being caught stealing food products from a supermarket of Viale Innocenzo in Como, would have contributed to the assault of the security guard on duty who had stopped them from fleeing.

The patrol officers who intervened on the spot gathered information about the incident, reconstructing the story. In fact, the security guard said he had noticed two foreigners stealing goods from the shelves by hiding them under their clothes and then stopped them beyond the cash registers. The two, however, ignoring the security guard, apparently ignored the order to stop and, while one of them was being held back by the guard, the second attacked him, hitting him in the back with a bottle, allowing them to escape, abandoning the goods they had just stolen.

Como, sorpresi a rubare merce al supermercato, aggrediscono la guardia di sicurezza e scappano. 28enne denunciato per furto e tentata rapina in concorso

From the summary of the facts, the security guard also complained about the lack of his cell phone, declaring that it had been stolen by the two robbers.

The search for the two was immediate and, thanks to the detailed descriptions collected, they were shortly after reported in the Viale Varese area near the church of the Crucifix, where they had had an argument with other people. However, the patrol police only managed to track down the 28-year-old Moroccan while his accomplice managed to escape again.

The man, who at the same time was in possession of the supermarket security guard's cell phone, which was later returned to the owner, he was taken to the police station and identified.

His criminal record came to light and after being recognized as a co-perpetrator of the crime, he was investigated for theft and attempted robbery in competition as well as reported for the violation of immigration as a recipient of expulsion and for failure to comply with an Order of the Police Chief. Milano, notified to him a few days before.

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