Como: drunk and violent, he brandishes a stick and spits at customers of a kiosk in the city, then attacks the officers, arrested by the Police

A 52-year-old from Bolzano, resident in the province of Brescia, was arrested.

Como: drunk and violent, he brandishes a stick and spits at customers at a kiosk in the city, then attacks officers, arrested by the Police.

The State Police arrested a 52-year-old from Bolzano, resident in the province of Brescia, for resisting and assaulting a public official, with a criminal record, reporting him at liberty also for refusing to provide his personal details and for being drunk and disorderly.

A patrol car was diverted to Piazza del Popolo near the kiosk installed inside the public gardens because a man was reported, in an evident state of alcoholic intoxication who, when the manager refused to serve him more alcoholic beverages, began to swear at him. After picking up a long stick from the ground, he began to brandish it, hitting the walls of the structure.

In his violent reaction, the 52-year-old also began spitting at some of the kiosk's customers, who remained terrified and motionless, also spilling into the adjacent garden, where there were children and mothers.

When the patrol officers promptly arrived, the man dropped his baton but began to swear at the officers, lashing out and refusing to provide his personal details.

Once calm was restored and the testimonies of those present were collected, the 52-year-old was taken to the police station where he was identified precisely and where his criminal record emerged and he was arrested.

Once the documents had been drawn up, the prosecutor on duty was notified of the arrest, who ordered him to be held in the holding cells until this morning, when at 11.00:XNUMX he will be tried under the direct trial procedure.

The 52-year-old's position was also examined by the Anti-Crime Division, which reported the incident to the Como Police Chief Marco Calì, who signed a 1-year Dacur, effectively prohibiting him from accessing public places and areas covering a large perimeter of the centre of Como.

Como: ubriaco e violento, brandisce un bastone e prende a sputi i clienti di un chiosco in città, poi aggredisce gli agenti, arrestato dalla Polizia.

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