Como: disturbs a religious function and attacks the officers, State Police arrests 23-year-old Egyptian

The 23-year-old was arrested for resisting and assaulting a public official and reported at large for the crime of disrupting a religious function.

Como: disturbs a religious function and attacks the officers, State Police arrests 23-year-old Egyptian

On Sunday evening, the State Police arrested a man for resisting and assaulting a public official 23 year old Egyptian, known to the police for having collected several previous police records, in compliance with the residence regulations.

A patrol car, at around 18.15pm on Sunday 15/09/2024, was diverted to the Como Cathedral as a disturbing person had been reported inside the church. Once on site, the officers tracked down the 23-year-old Egyptian, who was disturbing the religious service by listening to loud Arabic music on his cell phone.

Given the useless invitation to go out, the intervention of the State Police was necessary, whose agents, not without difficulty, took him to the Police Headquarters, where the 23-year-old attempted to escape but was promptly stopped by the police. The agents were hit with several punches, before finally stopping him.

The 23-year-old was then identified and the investigations revealed his specific previous convictions and an alias which was then given arrested for resisting and assaulting a public official e reported at liberty for the crime of disruption of a religious function.

Informed of the arrest, the PM on duty ordered the 23-year-old to be held in the police station holding cells pending his summary trial, set for the morning of Monday 16/09/2024 at 10.30:XNUMX.

The Immigration Office of the Como Police Headquarters is carrying out the necessary checks on his further stay on Italian territory.

Como: disturba una funzione religiosa e aggredisce gli agenti, Polizia di Stato arresta 23enne egiziano

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