Como, for a year he had settled in and occupied the churchyard of a church. Precautionary measure carried out by the State Police

The man had also occupied the benches in the park near the town hall several times, where he was standing drunk and in a disorderly manner, threatening and intimidating the children who wanted to use the games there, forcing their mothers to move away.

Como, for a year he had settled in and occupied the churchyard of a church. Precautionary measure carried out by the State Police

The Como State Police, coordinated by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Como, in the morning, notified a 32-year-old German-born man with no fixed abode and numerous criminal and police records of the precautionary measure of Prohibition of Residence in Como, issued by the Judge for Preliminary Investigations of the city Court.

The story began at the beginning of 2024, when the churchyard in Via Monti was completely occupied by a large bed, set up by the 32-year-old who, having a dog in tow, – of the Amstaff breed, who usually did not wear a leash or a muzzle – had positioned all his personal belongings. The young man, in addition to completely preventing the access of the faithful, at the same time disturbed them, the parish priest and anyone who passed through that area, cursing and threatening them, quickly creating strong fear in the citizens living in the area.

Over time, despite attempts to convince the man to find another place to live, the interventions of the State Police and the forces of law and order, continually called upon by threatened and intimidated citizens, increased, recording the commission of various criminal episodes, immediately reported to the Judicial Authority.

Como, da un anno si era insediato occupando il sagrato di una chiesa. Eseguita misura cautelare da parte della Polizia di Stato

In fact, the man, on multiple occasions, all documented in the various reports of the police forces that intervened, has constantly behaved in an outrageous, violent and threatening manner towards anyone who interacted with him, most of the time preventing access to the sacristy of the church, sometimes setting his dog on those who tried to reason with him. In the meantime, the Como Police Chief Marco Calì had also issued against him the DACUR preventive measure, with a related ban on staying in that area.

Once the numerous police reports drawn up over the course of the year reached the Public Prosecutor's desk, considering the list of crimes committed by the 32-year-old ranging from threats, resisting a Public Official, invasion of land, failure to comply with the Dacur and the absolute failure to comply with the other various administrative provisions that had been notified to him in the meantime aimed at curbing the problem, the same submitted the entire file to the GIP of Como, allowing the issuing of the precautionary measure of the ban on residence in the municipality of Como.

The man, confirming his social dangerousness, had also occupied the benches of the park on Via Vittorio Emanuele near the town hall several times, where he hung around drunk and in a disruptive manner, threatening and intimidating the children who wanted to use the games there, forcing their mothers to move away.

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