Como, unwanted at the canteen after a series of fights, attacks and injuries to diners. The knife emerges from the check, reported by the State Police

The Como State Police reported at liberty for illegal possession of weapons, a 24-year-old Egyptian man in compliance with the residence regulations and resident in the city, with a criminal record.

Como, unwanted at the canteen after a series of fights, attacks and injuries to diners. The knife emerges from the check, reported by the State Police

The Como State Police reported at liberty for illegal possession of weapons, a 24-year-old Egyptian man in compliance with the residence regulations and resident in the city, with a criminal record.

At around 19 pm, during the serving of meals by a city canteen on Via Guanella, the intervention of a patrol car was requested following the report of a man who was being annoying and considered, by the management of the institution, undesirable due to a series of behavioral violations that had seen him, over time, be the protagonist of violent fights and injuries, including with the use of a knife, towards other diners.

Como, indesiderato alla mensa dopo una serie di liti, aggressioni e ferimenti verso i commensali. Dal controllo spunta il coltello, denunciato dalla Polizia di Stato

Once on site, the officers collected the necessary information from those responsible about the man who, still present and based on his specific precedents, was carefully inspected, in fact from the check the police officers found on him a long knife with a 20 centimeter blade.

Taken to the police station, the man was reported for illegal possession of the weapon.

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