Como: Inter-force intervention to free the spaces of the former oratory of San Rocco

control of the territory with the evacuation of the former oratory

Como: Inter-force intervention to free the spaces of the former oratory of San Rocco

The State Police coordinated a massive inter-force operation composed of crews from the Carabinieri, the Guardia di Finanza and the Local Police aimed at to free up the spaces of the former oratory of San Rocco, which for some time had become a meeting place and night-time resting place for vagrants and irregulars. The Como Police Headquarters with the other Police Forces in the area, by order of the Police Commissioner Marco Calì, accepting all the indications that emerged during the technical meeting held by the Prefect Corrado Conforto Galli, he organized and managed an impressive extraordinary service of territorial control.

Como: Intervento interforze per liberare gli spazi dell'ex oratorio di San Rocco

The numerous crews of the State Police, the Carabinieri, the Guardia di Finanza, which also provided its anti-drug dog units, the patrols of the Como Local Police they surrounded the area of ​​the San Rocco district, focusing in particular on the disused building of the former oratory. The area in question, accessible through a torn-off gate located on Via Regina Teodolinda, was completely abandoned and in precarious hygienic and sanitary conditions. In the context, numerous beds were found, 5 of which were occupied by as many people.

The non-EU citizens were identified during the operations and taken to the Police Headquarters where the Immigration Office is examining their administrative position on the territory. The area of ​​the former oratory will be made safe and restored by the new owners, who will intervene on site at the end of the operations.

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