Milano: new cutting-edge techniques for the restoration of the façade of Palazzo Marino

Palazzo Marino, projects for the restoration of the facade of Piazza della Scala presented.

Milano: new cutting-edge techniques for the restoration of the façade of Palazzo Marino.

From the allegorical figures carved above the windows to the carvings on the frames, up to the mythological scenes engraved on the frieze that closes the top floor. They are among the surprising details of the facade of Palazzo Marino which are being revealed to the restorers who have been working since last April on the historic building in Piazza della Scala. Until now tarnished by smog and dust deposits or corroded by atmospheric agents, they are gradually emerging under the action of brushes and probes, spatulas and nebulizers.

They talked about it today in Alessi room, through documents and photographs of the construction site, the protagonists of the intervention, in a scientific dissemination initiative promoted by City of Milano with Jesurum Leoni Comunicazione of Us-The Future is Now, which is carrying out the restoration work, and the Tod's group, which entirely financed it. A 'view', even if virtual, under the scaffolding tarpaulins that hide the facade: a mid-course narration, open to citizens, to illustrate the results obtained in the first three months of work and the experimental and innovative implications that, once the construction site is finished of Piazza Scala next October, could find application not only on the other facades of the building but also in other monumental restorations.

The technical team coordinated by explained the progress of the intervention and its specificity, in terms of methods applied and dimensions Michele Brunello of Dontstop Architecture and composed of the studio specialized in the restoration of prestigious buildings, Andrea Borri Architetti, the restorer Paolo Pecorelli, the company awarded the contract Estia and Progetto CMR for the management of construction site and safety issues.

Although the adverse weather conditions of recent months have made the work cycle more complex, the restoration of the façade on Piazza della Scala is being completed according to the initial programmes. From the "Ceppo del Brembo", the crumbly stone with which it was built at the end of the nineteenth century, both previous stucco interventions, not compatible with the original material, and the signs of deterioration, evident above all in correspondence with the pilasters and on the most exposed decorated surfaces.

We started from the mapping of the actual state, created with technologies such as video endoscopy, thermography and magnetometer, surface scanning and chemical analyses, to repair the eroded parts and the points where the stagnation of water had caused the formation of colonies of microorganisms and black crusts. The cleaning is thus highlighting the decorative motifs, with allegorical and symbolic figures, which characterize the tympanums carved above the windows, the ornamental elements of the cornices and the frieze that runs along the top of the building, with mythological scenes engraved in detail.

In the final phase of the restoration, the surfaces will be treated with a protective treatment and will become more resistant to the effects of time thanks to the application of nanometric silica and special micro grouting.
All phases of the intervention were followed and agreed with the Superintendence through site inspections and the sharing of the methodological choices of the restoration.

Milano: nuove tecniche all'avanguardia per il restauro della facciata di Palazzo Marino

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