Frosinone: Yet another scam against an elderly person

Used the trap of the needy nephew and the marshal.

Arezzo: Yet another scam against an elderly person.

The activity of the State Police aimed at continues uninterruptedly unmask the perpetrators of scams targeting the elderly, which now seem to have become an easy and convenient way to “earn a living” taking advantage of the fragility and good faith of these people who would do anything to save their loved ones from possible legal trouble.

- officers of the Cassino Traffic Police Subsection, on the afternoon of June 29th, they stopped a Fiat 500X with two people on board; the man driving was immediately recognized by the police since he was arrested by them last April and found to be responsible for aggravated fraud against the elderly and with an obligation to reside in the municipality of Naples, issued by the Court of Ascoli Piceno. The other occupant, despite having no police record, was found by the terminals already checked in June passing through the motorway section under the jurisdiction of the Cassino Traffic Police subsection.

All light of this, considering that the driver Yes it was removed from his place of residence without no authorization, the agents decided to search them together with the vehicle. It was on both of them found the sum of 1.400 € while in glove of the car was found, wrapped in a kitchen towel, one small box with numerous gold jewels inside.

Arezzo: Ennesimo raggiro ai danni di una persona anziana

Subsequent investigations they did to emerge that ad Arezzo, a lady had received the usual phone call, in which she was advised that her nephew, following a serious road accident, was in the trouble and to resolve which it was sufficient to pay a fee sum of money and/or gold objects to a "marshal” who would go to his house. Which it actually happened; The signora She is also convinced that she has spoken to her nephew delivered of the gold wedding rings, but the false "marshal" noticed some open drawers in the bedroom, distracting the unfortunate woman, he removed them money and a small box.

Il driver of the car was arrested and taken to the Cassino prison, and the court of Ascoli Piceno which had issued the residence obligation, following the reporting of the new event, willing The arrest, while the other was reported and also placed under house arrest, available to the competent AG.

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