
The Municipality of Ancona receives the favorable ruling of the Marche Regional Administrative Court regarding the awarding of the works for the redevelopment of Piazza d'Armi

The Regional Administrative Court of Marche, with a detailed ruling almost 30 pages long due to the objective complexity of the dispute, accepted the Municipality's defenses

The Municipality of Ancona receives the favorable ruling from the Regional Administrative Court of the Marche regarding the assignment of the works for the redevelopment of Piazza d'Armi.

The Municipality of Ancona receives the favorable ruling of the TAR regarding the appeal presented by the second-placed company in the tender called by the Administration for the works relating to the "Redevelopment of Piazza d'Armi - first functional lot".

The tender was awarded to the AR.CO. company. Srl, which had achieved an overall score of 89,097/100 (while EDIL.ART the appellant company had obtained a score of 87,62/100). Deeming the actions of the contracting authority to be illegitimate, EDIL.ART had lodged an appeal with the TAR.

The Regional Administrative Court of Marche, with a detailed sentence almost 30 pages long due to the objective complexity of the dispute, accepted the defense of the Municipality, represented in court by the lawyer Massimo Demetrio Sgrignuoli, rejected the appeal of the EDIL.ART company, condemning the appellant to pay the legal costs.

Satisfaction was expressed bycouncilor for institutional affairs, Antonella Andreoli : “This ruling is important because it confirms the goodness of the choices of this Administration which in the meantime, having obtained favorable precautionary measures again from the TAR Marche and from the Council of State, had gone ahead with the execution of the works in order to deliver this finally redeveloped area to the citizens as soon as possible" and fromcouncilor for Public Works, Stefano Tombolini: “I congratulate the legal service, the technicians including the tender and procurement office, who have distinguished themselves and continue to distinguish themselves with high quality work”.

Il Comune di Ancona incassa la sentenza favorevole del Tar delle Marche riguardo l'affidamento dei lavori per la riqualificazione di Piazza d'Armi

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