
Ancona: new system for catching wild boars, the Mayor issues an ordinance.

The system allows entire herds to be captured, as wild boars continue to enter the trap throughout the capture session.

Ancona: new system for catching wild boars, the Mayor issues an ordinance.

The Mayor of Ancona signed one on Monday ordinance for the protection of public safety, which authorizes to proceed with wild boar trapping in an urban area through the implementation of a project proposed by the URCA Marche Association (Regional Union of Hunters of the Apennines) and recently approved by resolution of the municipal council of Ancona.

The system allows you to capture entire herds, as the wild boars continue to enter the trap throughout the capture session even if some of the group are already inside and can no longer get out. This is also thanks to the settling-in period, which helps the matriarch of the pack overcome the distrust of having something new in her space. The wild boars are then euthanized through a system that involves telenarcosis and subsequent euthanasia.

“I thank the Marche Region – said the deputy mayor and councilor for security John Zinni – because, together with the contribution provided and the investments of the Municipality of Ancona, we have put U.RC.A. in the conditions of place this special trap which allows us to capture the wild boars, avoiding any type of suffering for them and I particularly thank the offices, because with a great deal of concerted effort they managed in the Services Conference to get all the institutions that have expertise in the field of wildlife and to find a method that does not impact the city, does not create disturbance, but above all solves the problem. It took a few months to achieve the result, but the promise made this summer to intervene has been kept.

The first trap has been set up. For safety reasons we cannot say where, but we inform the city that, as soon as the positive results are recorded, which we will inform the press about, we will proceed to install other traps throughout the municipal areawhere the wildlife has reached dangerously far into the urban area. A thought goes above all to those people who unfortunately have had severe inconveniences. For this reason we must intervene quickly, because we cannot allow anyone to risk their lives on the streets due to wild boars crossing them."

Monday's result was achieved after intense work by the offices, which allowed, among other things, reach an agreement between the bodies involved: Provincial Police of Ancona; Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of Umbria and Marche; Marche Region Forestry and wildlife hunting policies sector; AST Ancona Department of Prevention UOC Food Hygiene of Animal Origin; AST Macerata Department of Prevention UOC Hygiene of Food of Animal Origin. The agreement contains the operational protocol for defining the requirements to be adopted during trapping interventions.

“I must recognize – commented the competent councilor of the Marche Region, Andrea Maria Antonini – the stubbornness of deputy mayor Zinni in wanting absolutely solve this important problem for the city of Ancona. Today with this trap positioned on an experimental basis, thanks also to URCA we will certainly be able to provide answers. From now on with the regional approval of the wild boar control plan, where among other things we will align ourselves with the national law which provides for direct interventions in urban centres, finally we can provide an important solution to try to mitigate the problem, which is actually very annoying and sometimes even dangerous. Among other things, today the regional council expects the approval of important changes to the hunting laws and we will also increase compensation for those who unfortunately they suffer accidents on the roads due to wildlife, bringing them from 60 to 80 percent".

Ancona: nuovo sistema per la cattura dei cinghiali, il sindaco emana una ordinanza.

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