Montemarciano: After a crazy car ride, he tries to cut himself in the throat with a box cutter. Saved by the Carabinieri

26-year-old Latvian man stopped for speeding and goes berserk when he sees the police, threatening to take his own life in front of them

Montemarciano: After a crazy car ride, he tries to cut himself in the throat with a box cutter. Saved by the Carabinieri

During a service of territorial control and crime prevention, this night the Carabinieri of the Montemarciano Station have a vehicle travelling at high speed was intercepted on the SS16 with direction of travel towards Ancona.

After a short chase, the soldiers managed to stop the vehicle at the gates of Falconara Marittima, finding a driver at the helm young man from Jesi in a very agitated state.

The man, born in 1999, of Latvian origin, At the sight of the soldiers he inexplicably went into a rage, kicking and punching his own car and taking a cutter out of his pocket, which he brought close to her throat and threatened to take her own life.

After a vain attempt to establish a conciliatory dialogue, to avoid the worst the soldiers suddenly blocked the boy, placing him in safety and calming him down. None of those present suffered any physical consequences.

The medical staff who intervened on site confirmed that the 26-year-old had already been the recipient of a hospitalization for behavioral disorders and transported him to the Torrette hospital for treatment and assistance.

Montemarciano: Dopo una folle corsa in auto, tenta di ferirsi alla gola con un taglierino. Salvato dai Carabinieri

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