Montemarciano: runs away from Carabinieri checks until crashing into a tree, then continues diving into the “Rubiano”. A 47-year-old arrested
On the morning of October 4, the Carabinieri of the Montemarciano Station arrested a 47-year-old man of Bosnian origin for the crime of resisting and assaulting a public official. The patrol, noticing a suspicious car on the SS 16 Adriatica, decided to proceed with the check by approaching.
Montemarciano: runs away from Carabinieri checks until he crashes into a tree, then continues by diving into the “Rubiano”. A 47-year-old arrested.
On the morning of October 4, the Carabinieri of the Montemarciano Station arrested, for the crime of resistance and violence against a public official, a 47-year-old of Bosnian origin. The patrol, noticing a suspicious car on the SS 16 Adriatica, decided to proceed with the check by approaching.
The driver, to avoid the control, suddenly he set off again at high speed towards the town centre. It started immediately the pursuit which continued for several kilometers along the city streets, in some stretches also traveling in the opposite direction. Those maneuvers did not prevent the patrol from continuing the pursuit which ended when the driver lost control of the vehicle and crashed into a tree.
The fugitive, having abandoned the car, continued on foot diving into the nearby “Rubiano” riverThe carabinieri, having gone down to the riverbed, reached him, surrounded him and blocked him.
Once the situation was clarified, it emerged that the fuggitivo was without a driving license because he had never obtained one. Some tools were also found on board the car. The man was placed at the disposal of the Judicial Authority.
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