
Ancona. Serious irregularities and lack of mandatory documentation in the construction site of a beach resort: fines exceeding 80.000 Euros

Checks in a bathing establishment under renovation on the Conero Riviera.

Ancona. Serious irregularities and lack of mandatory documentation in the construction site of a beach resort: fines exceeding 80.000 Euros.

The joint activity of the NIL Carabinieri (Labour Inspectorate Unit) and of the inspectors of the Labour Inspectorate of Ancona, with the collaboration of the military personnel of the Provincial Carabinieri Command of Ancona, within the scope of the controls aimed at preventing and repressing the phenomena of exploitation of labour, of undeclared work and at verifying compliance with the legislation on the protection of the health and safety of workers in the workplace.

These checks were aimed at a bathing establishment undergoing renovation, located on the Conero Riviera, near Numana. The inspection team, at the end of the checks, he accused the four construction companies present on the site of numerous violations of health and safety regulations in the workplace. As many as 4 illegal workers were identified (one of which was illegal) and various irregularities emerged on the mandatory documentation to be shown to the inspection bodies. This led to the suspension of business activity for 3 construction companies present on site.

The control was also extended to the work of the Safety Coordinator during the execution of the construction site and to the client and owner of the newly established bathing establishment.

It emerged that the employer employed his employees within the construction site area without having assessed the risks interfering with the construction site activities, without having provided them with the required PPE and without having subjected the aforementioned workers to the required medical examinations from the DVR shown to the operators.

Criminal responsibilities were also found due to his qualification as the client of the building works within the plant. It also emerged that the Safety Coordinator during the execution of the construction site did not adequately exercise his coordination action within the construction site.

The outcome of the inspection revealed criminal liability towards 5 individuals for various violations in terms of safety, with related fines and administrative sanctions amounting to over 80.000 euros.
The checks will continue, without interruption, in the next few days also in other production sectors.

Ancona. Gravi irregolarità e mancata documentazione obbligatoria nel cantiere di uno stabilimento balneare: sanzioni superiori a 80.000 Euro

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