Ancona, ex-boyfriend tries to extort money from her by threatening her with death. Arrested

The arrested man, tracked down by the Radiomobile soldiers while he was still on site, was subsequently placed under house arrest at his home awaiting the direct trial scheduled for the morning.

Ancona, ex-boyfriend tries to extort money from her by threatening her with death. Arrested

The Carabinieri of the Radiomobile Section of the Ancona Company arrested a thirty-year-old from Ancona, already known to the police, in flagrante delicto for the crime of extortion.

In the afternoon, the man allegedly attempted to extort money from his 29-year-old ex-partner, presumably due to problems related to the purchase of narcotics..

Ancona, ex compagno tenta di estorcerle i soldi minacciandola di morte. Arrestato

In particular, the woman, while walking in Piazza d'Armi, was approached and threatened with death by the man who demanded the return of a sum of money and in order to defend herself she used pepper spray against him and then took refuge in a commercial establishment located in the immediate vicinity and called the single emergency number, activating the rescue.

The arrested man, tracked down by the Radiomobile military while he was still on site, was subsequently placed under house arrest at his home pending the summary hearing scheduled for the morning.

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