Ancona, contributions for utilities, rents and births: the three interventions of 2024 to support families.

The Municipality of Ancona has approved three support measures for residents: contributions for household utilities, rent and a baby bonus for each newborn.

Ancona, contributions for utilities, rents and births: the three interventions of 2024 to support families.

During the year 2024 il Municipality of Ancona has approved, within the framework of family policies, three types of contribution for the benefit of families residing in the municipal area, financed with own resources: the contribution for domestic users, contribution to the rent (more commonly known as “rent contribution”) and the baby bonus.

La first line of intervention, to which the sum of 300.000 €, consists of support linked to the payment of domestic users, particularly burdensome for the budgets of many families, also in consideration of the geopolitical context conditions. For this measure, families with ISEE up to 10.000 eurosThey have arrived 1.163 questions, of which, following numerous discussions with the applicants and the filing of additions, 1.030 of them have been approved for funding, thus reaching almost the satisfaction of the 90% of the moments.

as to second measure, the Administration has allocated a total amount of 245.000 € for the recognition of a contribution linked to the payment of the rent in the municipal territory. Residents with ISEE up to 13.894,66 euros, equal to double the amount of the social security benefit established by INPS for the year 2024. The following have been received 881 questions, Of which 490 eligible for financing, up to the budget allocation.

Finally, the resources remaining at the end of the complex investigations were allocated to a further measure in support, this time, of the birth rate, in line with the programmatic guidelines of the mandate.
“This is an intervention of different nature compared to the previous ones. With the contributions for utilities and rents, the Municipality intended alleviate economic hardship linked to the daily expenses incurred by Ancona families for essential goods. Conversely, with the baby bonus, the Administration sets itself the objective of support birth rate as such, as a value in itself. – declares the Councillor for Family Orlanda Latini, who continues – The measure aims to contribute to making Ancona a city populated by new residents, reversing the trend ofprogressive increase in the average age".

Il baby bonus, equal to 250 € every new born and resident in the Municipality, substantiates the Administration's desire to share with the families of Ancona such a happy event as the birth of a child, regardless of the economic-social context, giving prominence and importance to theincrease in birth rate and the benefits this produces for the entire community.

Therefore, the bonus, albeit in successive tranches, is guaranteed to all newborns born in 2024 residents in the municipal area, who are found to be 584 as of 31/12/2024. To obtain it, it will be provided to those who communicate the IBAN to the competent offices, using the form that will be distributed together with a letter signed jointly by the Mayor Daniele Silvetti and Family Councillor Orlanda Latini.

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