The Carabinieri of Morro d'Alba take action against scams targeting the elderly
For the occasion, a special vehicle supplied to the Arma was used: the Mobile Station. The aim is precisely to be ever closer to the citizens.
The Carabinieri of Morro d'Alba take the field against scams against the elderly.
In Morro d'Alba, the Tear and Truffle Festival has become a useful opportunity to further raise awareness among the population about the risks of scams against the elderly.
Yesterday morning, the Carabinieri of the local station first met the faithful who had attended the Sunday mass at the Church dedicated to San Gaudenzio, thanks to the precious collaboration of the Parish Priest, Don Francesco Berluti and, subsequently, the many visitors to the area interested in the food and wine event.
For the occasion, a special vehicle supplied to the Arma was used: the Mobile Station. The aim is precisely to be ever closer to the citizens.
During the meetings, the Commander of the Station, Maj. Roberto Scarpone, assisted by App. Sc. QS Antonio Caputo, in addition to personally giving useful advice to avoid falling into the scammers' net, also invited the younger ones to carry out, in turn, awareness-raising activities for their elderly parents and relatives. In addition, the brochure created by the General Command of the Carabinieri was distributed as part of the national campaign for the prevention of scams against the elderly.
It is important to talk about it and, above all, to report it. The risk, in fact, is that part of the phenomenon remains submerged. The sense of shame or the fear of possible reprimands from family members could, in fact, induce the victims not to report it.
Here, then, everyone's collaboration becomes indispensable. Reporting circumstances learned even confidentially from those who have suffered a scam or reporting, for example, the presence of suspicious people, can prove useful both in contrasting and preventing such crimes.
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