Loreto: a 53-year-old local man already known to the police was arrested by the Carabinieri for resisting a public official and causing personal injury
A soldier had to seek medical attention for the bruises he suffered while trying to stop the agitated man.
Loreto: a 53-year-old local man already known to the police was arrested by the Carabinieri for resisting a public official and causing personal injury.
The Carabinieri of the Loreto Station and the Radiomobile Unit of the Osimo Company arrested, for resisting a public official and causing personal injury, a 53-year-old local man already known to the police.
The military intervened at a bar in the central Piazza Leopardi, because the employees of the public establishment had requested immediate intervention due to the presence of a man, clearly in a state of alcoholic alteration, who was disturbing the customers. Despite vain attempts to establish a dialogue, the man attacked the Carabinieri, engaging in a fierce fight with them. A soldier had to seek medical attention for the bruises he suffered in an attempt to make the agitated man desist.
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