
Ancona: Fight against Saturday night massacres, 6 drivers reported for drunk driving

All the drivers fined showed high blood alcohol levels, in one case almost four times higher than the permitted limit of 0,5 grams/litre.

Ancona: fight against road massacres, 6 drivers reported for drunk driving.

A total of 6 motorists were reported to the Judicial Authority for driving under the influence of alcohol by the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Ancona, following targeted checks carried out over the past weekend.

Following the publication of the ISTAT report on road accidents for the year 2023, which highlighted the worrying incidence of road accidents with deaths and injuries also in the province of Ancona, the Carabinieri Companies of the territory have intensified checks on the main roads, carrying out prevention activities especially at night and decisively combating dangerous driving behaviors connected to alcohol and drug abuse.

All the drivers fined showed high blood alcohol levels, in one case almost four times higher than the permitted limit of 0,5 grams/litre.

In two cases, in Numana and Maiolati Spontini respectively, the drivers were subjected to checks after having caused road accidents which, only due to fortuitous circumstances, did not result in any injuries.

The World Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Road Accidents was celebrated, a global scourge that causes the death of over 1,2 million people on the roads every year.

The main cause of fatal accidents is distracted driving which, as is easy to imagine, is most often caused by the excessive intake of alcohol or drugs.

In the province of Ancona, moreover, almost half of the accidents occur at night and the majority of these occur on weekends.

Drivers fined in Numana, Corinaldo, Genga, Jesi, Senigallia and Maiolati Spontini, not falling within the hypotheses of administrative violation (which occurs when the blood alcohol level found is lower than 0,80 g/l) will have to answer before the Judicial Authority for their conduct in addition to having to suffer a suspension of the license which, in the most serious cases, can last up to 1 year.

Ancona: contrasto alle stragi del sabato sera, denunciati 6 automobilisti per guida in stato di ebbrezza.

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