Ancona: 4 drivers fined for drunk driving and 3 young people reported as drug users. Carabinieri checks continue

Balance of the checks to combat street crime by the Carabinieri of Ancona. The Police, over the weekend, stopped several drivers under the influence of alcohol, whose licenses were immediately withdrawn. Some young people were also identified in possession, for personal consumption, of narcotic substances such as hashish and marijuana

Ancona: 4 drivers fined for drunk driving and 3 young people reported as drug users. Carabinieri checks continue

La Carabinieri Company of Ancona, led by Major Flavio Annunziata, has put in place a robust device of combating street crime e to the widespread crimes in the capital and in Falconara Marittima, employing the military personnel in coordinated services to monitor the territory, prevent predatory crimes and combat illegal driving.

The main communication arteries and streets of urban centers were thus monitored, to prevent episodes of petty crime, and to combat alcohol abuse and drug use among young people.

During the nights of Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th January, the military of the Radiomobile section They checked numerous motorists, sanctioningne 4 for driving under the influence of alcohol in the most serious cases.


  • a 41-year-old woman, positive with a blood alcohol level of 1,51 g/l;
  • a 20 year old, positive with a blood alcohol level of 0,96 g/l;
  • a 34 year old, positive with a blood alcohol level of 1,44 g/l;
  • a 33 year old, positive with a blood alcohol level of 1,58 g/l.

The licenses have been withdrawn and will be issued by the Prefecture suspension measures which, in the most serious cases, can last a up to two years. The motorists were reported to the Judicial Authority pursuant to the amended art. 186 of the Highway Code.

Un 30enne, controlled by the military of the Radiomobile in Via Flaminia inside a petrol station, it was evident state of psycho-physical alteration due to the intake of alcoholic substances and therefore fined for "drunkenness".

The checks on the city streets led to 8 personal searches and vehicle inspections, the results of which resulted in the discovery of Narcotic substances intended for personal consumption seized:

  • a 17-year-old, stopped while he was near the “Podesti” secondary school in Ancona, was found in possession of 1g of hashish;
  • a 30-year-old, checked by soldiers from the Falconara Marittima police station in that centre, was found in possession of a joint of hashish and a further gram of the same drug;
  • a 22 year old, checked by the Carabinieri of the Collemarino Station, was found in possession of 2 grams of marijuana.

The 3 young people were reported as users to the Prefecture of Ancona which, after the preliminary interview, will be able to start them on therapeutic programs as well as imposing the sanctions foreseen, including suspension (or prohibition to obtain) a driving license, passport, residence permit, for up to 1 year.

In total, 6 additional violations of the Highway Code have been contested in light of the new provisions that came into force on 14 December, and three additional drivers have had their licenses withdrawn for dangerous driving behaviour.

Ancona: 4 autisti sanzionati per guida in stato di ebbrezza e 3 giovani segnalati come assuntori di sostanze stupefacenti. Proseguono i controlli dei Carabinieri

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