
Ancona, drug trafficking criminal association busted

4 subjects were subjected to the measure of precautionary custody in prison, while for the remaining 2 the measure of house arrest with electronic bracelet was issued

Ancona, drug trafficking criminal association busted

In the morning, The Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Ancona have executed the precautionary custody order issued by the GIP of Ancona, upon request of the local District Anti-Mafia Directorate, against 6 people investigated on various counts for association aimed at drug trafficking and drug dealing.
In particular, 4 subjects were subjected to the measure of pre-trial detention in prison, while the remaining 2 were issued the measure of house arrest with an electronic bracelet.

At the same time, house searches were carried out on six other suspects in order to search for narcotic substances.
The investigation, carried out through wiretapping, observation services and coordination with the Spanish police, was conducted by the Carabinieri of the Investigative Unit of Ancona, under the direction of the DDA.

The circumstantial evidence acquired has allowed us to outline the presence of a family-based criminal organization dedicated to drug dealing in the province of Ancona.

The investigation began about a year ago, in October, following the searches carried out for the capture of a fugitive who was serving a sentence of 8 years and 21 days of imprisonment, reported in the context of Operation Vallesina for the crimes of robbery, possession of weapons and sale of narcotics, crimes committed between the provinces of Ancona, Pesaro and Macerata in the years 2015 and 2016.

Ancona, sgominata associazione per delinquere dedita al traffico di sostanze stupefacenti

During the interceptions it emerged that he had taken refuge in Spain, in the city of Figueres. On November 27, with the help of the Spanish police, the person was captured and subsequently transferred to the Viterbo prison where he is still incarcerated. At that time he was planning to buy a shipment of drugs before the Christmas holidays.

After his arrest, the fugitive, head of the organization, although confined, first in Spanish prisons and then in Italian ones, continued to give instructions to his family, both during meetings and with the use of a cell phone, trying to organize, with the help of his wife, the distribution of drugs within the prison walls.
During the investigation:

  • the wanted man's wife was arrested while trying to deliver to her husband, inside the prison, 15 grams of cocaine, 15 grams of hashish and 15 grams of cutting agent;
  • the wanted man's son-in-law was arrested following a house search which resulted in the discovery of approximately 1,9 kg of hashish, 60 grams of cocaine, several precision scales and the ledger containing the criminal organisation's accounts.
  • Near the fugitive's home, 1,2 kg of hashish, divided and packaged in 14 blocks, were found and seized, hidden in a hiding place.

The ordinance reconstructed 18 cases of transfer of narcotic substances, such as marijuana, cocaine and hashish.
The operation, called Vallesina 3, is the epilogue of an investigative activity that began in 2014 and led to the identification of a criminal organization dedicated to drug dealing in the Vallesina area.

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