Tortona: Extraordinary checks by the Carabinieri, 5 referrals and reports for alcohol, drugs and administrative violations
territory checks
Tortona: Extraordinary checks by the Carabinieri, 5 referrals and reports for alcohol, drugs and administrative violations
Security is a fundamental value for the community, necessary to guarantee a peaceful and protected environment. The growing need perceived by the population, especially in the most sensitive areas such as the city center and near the train station, has seen the Carabinieri intensify control activities, implementing an operational strategy that aims to respond effectively to the legitimate protection needs of the inhabitants.
The Tortona Carabinieri have carried out extraordinary checks, organizing services aimed at preventing crimes against property and persons, focused in particular on damages and thefts to commercial activities; events, the latter, capable of creating a sense of insecurity among entrepreneurs and customers.
The proactive action of the Carabinieri, aimed at prevention rather than repression, with the intensification of patrol services in the historic center and during the nightlife evenings, saw an extraordinary number of men mobilized coming from various Commands who proceeded to control of two public places, identification of over fifty people on foot and on board vehicles, referral and reporting of five people for various reasons for invasion of public buildings, violation of immigration laws, unjustified possession of weapons, personal use of narcotics and driving under the influence of drugs.
Furthermore, numerous drivers were subjected to breathalyzer tests. Actions that are not simply police operations, but steps towards creating a safer social environment, which counts far beyond the numbers and which generates that feeling of security instilled by the active presence of the Carabinieri, which in itself is already a deterrent.
The fight against crime and the work of the Carabinieri require professional competence and empathy towards the problems of the community, with which meetings are periodically organized to listen to concerns and suggestions. Trust is essential for an effective security strategy and collaboration is a key element through which to create an environment that is more respectful of the rules of living together. A constant and coordinated commitment to strengthening the perception of safety.
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