Tortona: Carabinieri arrest a drug dealer and report a second, three reported for personal use

The fight against drugs in the Tortona area picks up where it left off, effectively without interruption

Tortona: Carabinieri arrest a drug dealer and report a second, three reported for personal use

I Company Carabinieri they arrested one drug dealer and reported a hirer, both irregular on the national territory, caught during the illicit Buying and selling 32 grams of hashish.

Always in the nightlife and train station areas, the Carabinieri of the Radiomobile they reported for possession for the purpose of dealing a man in possession of doses of pre-packaged hashish and ready to be sold and to be reported for personal use of two other people caught with small quantities of narcotic substance.

Tortona: Carabinieri arrestano uno spacciatore e ne denunciano un secondo, tre i segnalati per uso personale

The activity of contrasting the diffusion of drugs remains a fundamental theme for the Carabinieri, especially among the younger age groups of citizens, more exposed to the risks linked to the dealing and use of prohibited substances.

Citizen reports remain an important added value, a useful tool for the quicker identification of places and individuals involved in the illicit activity of dealing or drug use.

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