Thanks to some reports, the OIPA Animal Protection Guards have saved two dogs abandoned to themselves in an uninhabited apartment in the province of Alessandria

While waiting for the legal process to be completed, Arya and Jordan are temporarily entrusted to those who want to give them all the affection and love they have never known.

Thanks to some reports, the OIPA Animal Protection Guards saved two dogs abandoned to themselves in an uninhabited apartment in the province of Alessandria.

Seized by OIPA zoophilic guards two dogs abandoned to themselves in a house in the province of Alessandria. The inspection was conducted following some reports which indicated the presence of animals in an uninhabited apartment. The owner was investigated for incompatible detention of animals producing serious suffering.

Grazie a delle segnalazioni le Guardie Zoofile dell'OIPA hanno salvato due cani abbandonati a loro stessi in un appartamento disabitato in provincia di Alessandria

Arriving on site, the OIPA zoophilic guards of Alessandria and the province found themselves faced with a scenario of extreme degradation sanitary: the accommodation was covered in the faeces of the two poor four-legged friends and these, ua mixed-breed dog aged 4 years and a pitbull of 7 years, were in an evident state of carelessness.

In particular, the Pitbull had lesions and alopecia in various parts of the body caused by untreated dermatitis.

Grazie a delle segnalazioni le Guardie Zoofile dell'OIPA hanno salvato due cani abbandonati a loro stessi in un appartamento disabitato in provincia di Alessandria

The two dogs, which were immediately seized, revealed themselves to be docile and sociable despite their confinement prolonged over time, they are now in judicial custody as guests of a facility in the Alessandria area.

Pending the completion of the legal process, Arya and Jordan are temporarily reliable to those who want to give them all the affection and love they have never known. For information:, tel. 3383583969.

The Oipa invites not to ignore cases of degradation and mistreatment of which you are aware and to always contact the animal protection officers who, in full respect of privacy, can intervene to protect the animals.

For more information and to report suspicious situations or mistreatment in Lodi and the province, write to, or fill out the online form at

For reports throughout Italy:

Grazie a delle segnalazioni le Guardie Zoofile dell'OIPA hanno salvato due cani abbandonati a loro stessi in un appartamento disabitato in provincia di Alessandria

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