Novi Ligure: She has an epileptic seizure while she is home alone, the Carabinieri climb over a balcony on the fourth floor and save her life

The timely intervention of the Carabinieri was invaluable, saving the life of a woman who had suffered a severe epileptic seizure while she was home alone.

Novi Ligure: She has an epileptic seizure while she is home alone, the Carabinieri climb over a balcony on the fourth floor and save her life

The Gazelle has just finished a routine operation and has started patrolling the streets of the city centre again, when the alarm on the radio sounds again. The Operations Center requests an intervention in via Buozzi, where a woman heard suspicious moans coming from the apartment across the street from hers, on the fourth floor of a condominium.

The Carabinieri quickly arrive on the scene, meet the applicant on the stairs, she is very agitated, she says she tried to call the neighbor, to knock, without getting an answer. It is almost night, silence is the master, even the Carabinieri hear the moans: they seem to be of a person who is very ill. They request the immediate support of the Fire Department to enter the house and of 118 for any help.

But the awareness that they cannot waste precious time pushes the Carabinieri not to wait. They ask the lady if they can go through her apartment to reach the balcony of the next one from where the complaints are coming from. The terrace is adjacent, although there is a bulkhead dividing the properties. One of the Carabinieri climbs over it, leaning dangerously into the void, on the fourth floor.

Reaching the neighbor's window, he glimpses in the semi-darkness a woman on the floor in the living room. He calls her, knocks on the glass forcefully. No answer. He understands that the moment is critical, breaks the window glass, enters, opens the armored door to facilitate rescue and puts the woman in the lateral safety position. Finally, the 118 paramedics arrive, while the intervention of the Fire Brigade is cancelled.

Novi Ligure: ha una crisi epilettica mentre è in casa da sola, i Carabinieri scavalcano un balcone al quarto piano e le salvano la vita

The woman is rushed to the hospital, where she is stabilized. She had a severe epileptic seizure, but is safe and her life is not in danger. The husband also arrives, he is shocked. The Carabinieri explain to him what happened and reassure him. Finally a sigh of relief. There is a broken glass to repair, the Carabiniere apologizes, “I had no alternative”He says. “He saved my wife’s life”, the man replies with a smile. “The glass will fix itself”.

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