Novi Ligure: 85-year-old man lying on the ground and unable to get up, saved by the Carabinieri

elderly rescue

Novi Ligure: 85-year-old man lying on the ground and unable to get up, saved by the Carabinieri

A phone call in the middle of the night. A woman reports to the Operations Center operator that she can hear moans and soft cries for help but cannot understand where they are coming from. The Carabinieri Gazelle quickly arrives on site, reaches the applicant, and tries to understand where these, in effect, painful requests for help could be coming from. The Carabinieri locate the apartment, it is inhabited by an elderly man who lives alone. They tried to call him from outside, without success. From inside comes only a lullaby of moans and suffering. The door is armored and is completely locked: impossible to enter.

There is nothing left to do but enter the apartment from the only possible access, the balcony. The Carabinieri recover a ladder, climb from the outside of the building until they reach it, raise the shutter enough to be able to open the frames without damaging them and slide inside. The apartment is immersed in darkness. The Carabinieri follow the moans to the bedroom, where they find the man, an 85-year-old, lying on the floor, cold and unable to get up. They help him and, as soon as possible, they have an explanation given of what happened. He fell out of bed at least an hour earlier and could not find the strength to get back on his feet. The staff of the Croce Verde also arrived on site, and noted the man's good general health. The daughter, who lives elsewhere, is notified and is also reassured by her father's words that once the fright has passed she is fine.

Before leaving the apartment, the elderly man, lucid and reassured, is accompanied to his bed by the Carabinieri, with the approval of the health workers, then the door closes behind the men in uniform, who return aboard the Gazelle: the night is still long.



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