Assault on the pharmacies of Casale, Balzola and Morano sul Po, the Carabinieri arrest a gang of thieves
They are three young men aged 24, 25 and 26, all homeless, one of whom also has an arrest warrant from the Court of Asti for previous crimes against property.
Assault on the pharmacies of Casale, Balzola and Morano sul Po, the Carabinieri arrest a gang of thieves
Turbulent night in the Monferrato. Three thieves they move under the cover of darkness and empty streets, they force the door and enter inside a pharmacy, where they manage to steal 5.000 euros in cash. An easy and profitable hit.
The band moves to Bounce, another pharmacy, another similar heist. But luck has turned its back: the owner realizes what is happening and scares away the thieves.
But it's not over yet, the night is still long and there are many pharmacies. The escape takes them to pass by Morano sul Po. Although they may already have law enforcement on their tails, the three they try a third shot. The chosen pharmacy turns out to be tricky. The door does not want to give way and the noises made in the attempt to break it down attract the attention of the people who live nearby. Someone calls the 112 and within moments the Carabinieri arrive on the scene.
The surprise displaces the criminals who give themselves over to a stampede, climbing onto the roof of a nearby house, in a last-ditch attempt to avoid capture. But the night, which began well with the first successful robbery, ends for them in the worst possible way: The Carabinieri reached them, stopped them and declared them under arrest for aggravated theft in competition.
They are three young people of 24, 25 and 26 years, all of them without a fixed abode, one of whom also has an arrest warrant from the Court of Asti for previous offences property crime.
For the band the night ends in jail, in Vercelli, where the Carabinieri of the Radiomobile Unit of the Casale Monferrato Company and the Balzola Station took them before dawn.
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