A joint operation between Carabinieri, labor Inspectorate, ASL e Local Police led to suspension of a business activity in Alessandria, following numerous violations detected in the areas of hygiene, illegal work and trade.
Under a coordinated control arranged by the Provincial Command, the Carabinieri of the NIL (Labour Inspectorate Unit) and the Labour Inspectorate have the owner reported of the exercise for the lack of training of workers andunauthorized installation of a video surveillance system, in addition to detecting the use of workers not in compliance. Among the irregularities reported were the failure to communicate the hiring and the absence of the relevant hiring letters, with administrative fines of 6.400 euros e fines of approximately 9.000 euros.
At the same time, the ASL has found numerous health and hygiene violations, including lack of structural requirements, incomplete documentation, lack of notification of the storage facility and lack of traceability of purchased products.
To complete the operation, the Local Police found further irregularities, such as the absence of the SHAH for the sale of non-food products and the unauthorized use of a premises as a warehouse. They were also fruit and vegetable products confiscated for lack of traceability, labelling and information to the consumer. Finally, further warnings were issued fines for illegal occupation of public land and a case of reported to the Prefecture possession of hashish for personal use.
This important operation highlights the authorities' commitment to ensuring legality in the sector food trade, with particular attention to traceability of the goods and the protection of workers.