Alessandria, robbery at the distributor: two travellers arrested after the failed Corriere scam

At the gas station on Lungo Tanaro, a 31-year-old pretends to be a courier and tries to extort money from a gas station attendant, threatening him with a hidden weapon. After stealing about 800 euros, the robber runs away with an accomplice: it's the "Courier Scam".

Alessandria, robbery at the petrol station: two travellers arrested after the failed Corriere scam.

An early afternoon like many others at the petrol station on the Lungomare Tanaro. Customers who pass by, refuel, pay and leave, perhaps after exchanging a few words with the manager. In a calm moment, a man arrives who introduces himself as a courier from a well-known shipping company and asks the elderly petrol station attendant if he can speak to his son about a delivery. The man says that his son is not present and does not seem inclined to comply with the courier's requests, who demands payment for delivery, as the package would contain a smartphone of considerable value.

Alessandria, rapina al distributore: arrestati due trasfertisti dopo fallita Truffa del Corriere

The fake courier, now cornered, realizing that he had failed in his deception, raises his arm in the direction of the gas station attendant. The hand is hidden inside a plastic bag that does not allow us to see what is inside. “I have a gun", He says. "Give me all the proceeds“. The old man can do nothing but back away, allowing the robber to steal the daily takings. About 800 euros.

Without wasting any time, the robber leaves the booth, gets into a car driven by an accomplice and runs away. The investigation begins.

The Carabinieri of the NORM Operational Section of Alessandria they explore all leads and in the meantime acquire and analyze the footage from the video surveillance system present in the distributor.

It takes time to identify the two, but eventually the research provides the first results. First the robber and then the accomplice end up having a name, also thanks to the careful examination of highway crossings, payments, footage from public and private video surveillance systems, and testimonies. Not without difficulty, also because the robbers usually use rental vehicles with contracts registered to front men.

From Naples to Peschiera del Garda, passing through Alessandria and Emilia Romagna, the investigations allow us to identify the 31enne who physically committed the robbery, after he had disappeared, making himself untraceable from the ascertained place of residence.

Alessandria, rapina al distributore: arrestati due trasfertisti dopo fallita Truffa del Corriere

The escape ends in Vignola, in the Modena area, where the Carabinieri stop him while he is carrying out a reconnaissance for the next robbery. When the Carabinieri arrest him, he is wearing the uniform of another well-known shipping company. The doors of the Modena Prison open for him while for the accomplice, a 38 year old, the escape ends within the friendly walls of the home where he resides and where he is subjected to the precautionary measure of the obligation to remain at home.

The two alleged robbers are repeat offenders from the Spanish Quarters of Naples, mainly dedicated to scams using the modus operandi of the "courier scam", the technique that sees the criminals pass themselves off as couriers of well-known companies, of which they also wear the uniforms, who with the excuse of having to deliver cell phones of considerable value to a relative who is not present demand payment from the unfortunate victim. In the package, obviously, nothing valuable and often nothing at all.

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