Alessandria: eight dogs, two cats, a horse, a goat and thirty malnourished and neglected birds saved, owners investigated

OIPA invites you not to ignore cases of degradation and mistreatment that you are aware of and to always contact its animal protection officers who, in full respect of privacy, can intervene to protect the animals.

Alessandria: eight dogs, two cats, a horse, a goat and thirty malnourished and neglected birds rescued, owners investigated.

In collaboration with the veterinary services of the ASL and the multi-zone veterinarian of Alessandria Asti, the OIPA zoological guard unit of Alessandria has Eight malnourished dogs, two cats and a horse seized and forced to live in a context of extreme hygienic-sanitary degradation. Thirty poultry and a goat were also seizedThe owners are investigated for animal abuse and incompatible detention causing serious suffering.

The dogs, found completely wet due to the rain, with bowls full of rainwater and mud, were in desperate conditions, very thin, forced to live in two dilapidated non-regulation boxes, with deteriorated wooden kennels.

Alessandria: salvati otto cani, due gatti, un cavallo, una capra e trenta volatili malnutriti e trascurati, indagati i proprietari

The conditions are equally worrying of the horse and the goat locked in a very dirty room together with thirty birds (chickens, geese and turkeys). Everyone lived in an environment full of rubbish and abandoned furniture. Furthermore, the local did not comply with the minimum regulations to prevent fires and floods.

Data the unavailability of the owners and the state of emergency, the OIPA animal rights guards contacted the magistrate on duty to obtain authorization to access the property and, with the support of the mayor, had the gates opened by a blacksmith.

Alessandria: salvati otto cani, due gatti, un cavallo, una capra e trenta volatili malnutriti e trascurati, indagati i proprietari

All animals, including two pregnant cats, They were seized and transferred to various shelters in the area, with the hope that they can recover as soon as possible from the state of severe prostration in which they find themselves.

Veterinary checks revealed that the health status of the dogs was seriously compromised due to malnutrition and some pathologies.

For more information:, tel. 3383583969.

Alessandria: salvati otto cani, due gatti, un cavallo, una capra e trenta volatili malnutriti e trascurati, indagati i proprietari

Oipa invites you to do not ignore cases of degradation and mistreatment of which you are aware and to always contact your zookeepers who, in full respect of privacy, can intervene to protect the animals.

To report suspicious situations or mistreatment in Alessandria and its province, write to, or fill out the online form at

For reports throughout Italy:

Alessandria: salvati otto cani, due gatti, un cavallo, una capra e trenta volatili malnutriti e trascurati, indagati i proprietari

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