
Alessandria: Drug checks in the province's high schools

Alessandria: Drug checks in the province's high schools

Alessandria: Drug checks in the province's high schools

A series of checks using canine units, carried out in conjunction with the School Principals, has allowed the daily anti-drug activity carried out by the Carabinieri to be extended to the province's secondary schools.

The month of October was the occasion for a prevention campaign throughout the territory, which primarily involved schools and training institutes.

Alessandria: Controlli antidroga nelle scuole superiori della provincia

In today's press conference, at the Provincial Command of Alessandria, in the presence of the Commander, Lt. Col. Giovanni Palatini, and Lt. Col. Silvio Mele, head of the Operations Department, the Provincial Director of the territorial area of ​​Alessandria and Asti, Dr. Laura Bergonzi, applauded the initiative of the Carabinieri, not new to this type of activity, which will continue to be repeated over time and in as many schools as possible in the Alessandria, Novi, Tortona, Casale and Acqui areas.

Numerous Carabinieri and dogs were involved in the checks, in full respect of school activities and students, constantly monitored by teachers and school principals, who were able to monitor the checks carried out in classrooms and common areas.

Alessandria: Controlli antidroga nelle scuole superiori della provincia

The use of the Carabinieri canine units, supported on some occasions by those of other police forces, such as the Local Police of Alessandria and the Penitentiary Police of Asti, have allowed more thorough and effective checks, also arousing the curiosity of the children, involved in short simulations to understand the work of these dogs with particular training.

The Carabinieri checks, in agreement with the schools, are part of a broader project of education on legality and are mainly aimed at preventing and combating the spread of drugs, especially in schools and to the detriment of the younger age groups.

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