Alessandria: Course on education on legality. The Carabinieri meet the students of the “Galileo Galilei” Scientific High School

The Carabinieri continue to meet with students as part of the school collaboration project "Culture of Legality", to help students acquire greater awareness and knowledge of the possible consequences of their actions.

Alessandria: Course on education on legality. The Carabinieri meet the students of the “Galileo Galilei” Scientific High School

Alla presenza di over 200 students and their teachers, the Carabinieri of the local Company They held a meeting within the framework of the School collaboration project “Culture of legality” Scientific High School “Galileo Galilei“, illustrating the social and penal risks of drug use and alcohol abuse; furthermore, the reference regulatory framework was defined, which led the students, young people between 14 and 18 years old, to understand your responsibilities and Know the sanctions e criminal consequences deriving from a unlawful behavior.

Alessandria: Corso di educazione alla legalità. I Carabinieri incontrano gli studenti del Liceo Scientifico "Galileo Galilei"

Civil and criminal liability and responsibility are also extended to parents and teachers; this finds regulatory reference in art. 2048 paragraph 2 of the Civil Code: “Preceptors and those who teach a trade or art are responsible for the damage caused by the unlawful act of their pupils and apprentices during the time they are under their supervision.".

Among the topics covered, the driving behaviors (from mopeds to vehicles) and dangers arising on the same from the influence of alcohol and drugs, in addition to the diffusion and typology of the latter (old and new) found in the Alessandria area, their easy availability by minors on the web and the resulting critical issues.

Alessandria: Corso di educazione alla legalità. I Carabinieri incontrano gli studenti del Liceo Scientifico "Galileo Galilei"


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