Three donkeys, two ponies and a horse seized by the OIPA zoophile guards of Alessandria. The owners investigated for mistreatment.

Oipa invites you to communicate cases of degradation and mistreatment to its zookeepers who, in full respect of privacy, can intervene to protect the animals.

Three donkeys, two ponies and a horse seized by the OIPA zoophile guards of Alessandria. The owners investigated for mistreatment.

Seized by the zoophile guards of the International Organization for Animal Protection (Oipa) three donkeys, two ponies and a horse in a riding school in Novi Ligure, in the province of Alessandria. The owners are investigated for mistreatment pursuant to article 544 ter of the Criminal Code. Oipa's intervention was requested by the local Carabinieri Command.
It is a riding school with 32 equines, including horses, donkeys and ponies from three different owners.
Some of these animals were housed in small boxes without litter, closed and dark, with the floor covered with a layer of approximately 10 centimeters of excrement. On the advice of the ASL of Alessandria, only the sickest animals were seized.

The seized horses have now been transferred to another riding school where they are receiving initial treatment. They were forced to live in terrible hygienic-sanitary conditions and, as also attested by a veterinarian who visited them, they had numerous wounds on the limbs infected by flies and maggots. One donkey also had a very serious corneal ulcer. A ponies and a goat were even covered in feces from pigeons that nested in the attic.

«At the time of our inspection, the boxes were devoid of litter and there was only animal excrement on the ground», says the coordinator of the Oipa zoophile guards of Alessandria and its province, Cristina Destro. "THE water buckets were empty and troughs too high to use. As certified by the veterinarian who intervened for the assessment, the lesions on the legs - ulcers and sores - were actually chronic wounds due to the continuous trauma to which the skin is subjected every time the animal lies down on a hard surface without litter. In the summer, these lesions, if left untreated, become infested with flies which cause serious purulent infections."

This story also shows how important the action of zoophile guards is who, called by the police or following reports from citizens, can carry out checks and seizures in the case of mistreatment and, more generally, crimes involving animals.
Oipa invites you to communicate cases of degradation and mistreatment to its zookeepers who, in full respect of privacy, can intervene to protect the animals.
more information and to report suspicious situations or mistreatment in Alessandria and its province, write to or fill out the online form on
for reports throughout Italy:

Sequestrati tre asini, due pony e un cavallo dalle guardie zoofile OIPA di Alessandria. I proprietari indagati per maltrattamento.

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