Alessandria: the perpetrator of the abandonment of waste in Novi Ligure has been identified by the Forestry Carabionieri

Last May, a citizen from Novi found 49 large black bags on his property and turned to the Carabinieri of the Stazzano Forestry Station to report their abandonment by unknown persons.

Alessandria: the perpetrator of the abandonment of waste in Novi Ligure has been identified by the Forestry Carabionieri.

Last May, a citizen from Novi had found 49 large black bags containing non-hazardous special waste on his property and had turned to the Carabinieri of the Stazzano Forestry Station to report their abandonment by unknown persons.

Inside the bags, there were plastic and woody materials, rock wool and insulation, all waste that suggested waste from a construction company. There were also labels with barcodes, spare parts codes and raw materials, as well as a construction vest with a company name.
Having carried out the necessary investigations, the Forestry Carabinieri analyzed all the companies that had purchased that type of objects, arriving at ascertaining that the material found came from a construction site in the Municipality of Novi Ligure, the completion of which dates back to the year 2022.

Continuing with their investigations and after having checked the various companies that had worked on the construction site, the Forestry Carabinieri then identified the company responsible for the abandonment.
The company manager was accused of abandoning special non-hazardous waste on the ground by the company, a crime provided for by the Consolidated Environmental Law, for which, having established that the waste had not caused damage to the environment, the regime of prescriptions, procedure foreseen by the same Environmental Code, requiring the author to complete and correct waste disposal and restore the state of the places.

Alessandria: individuato dai Carabionieri Forestali l’autore dell’abbandono di rifiuti a Novi Ligure.

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