Agrigento, the State Police intensifies checks on buses in view of the warm season.
With the warmer weather, there is a significant increase in school trips and consequently the State Police intensifies checks on buses engaged in the aforementioned services..
In particular, the Agrigento Highway Police, within the scope of the project “Safe School Trips”, born from an initiative of the State Police in synergy with the Ministry of Education, has already been around for a few weeks the plan for random checks on buses used to transport teachers and students was strengthened on the occasion of school trips. Particular attention was paid to the suitability of the vehicles used for transport, but also to the drivers, who must carry out their duties responsibly, in full compliance with the rules, especially behavioral, provided for by the Highway Code, to protect the safety and security of passengers and road traffic in general.
![Agrigento, la Polizia di Stato intensifica i controlli dei pullman in vista della bella stagione]()
The same teachers and students, among other things, if they are in a position to prove it, can report any improper behavior to the Traffic Police, such as using a cell phone while driving without earphones, drinking alcohol or other substances. Schools can therefore take advantage of this service, reporting the organized trip through a special form or scheduling a check along the route. In recent weeks, the Highway Police Section of Agrigento and the Detachments of Canicattì and Sciacca they proceeded to inspect over 45 buses, finding irregularities for five of them and imposing the same number of administrative sanctions, all to guarantee the safety and integrity of passengers and other road users and the serenity of the moment of leisure that a school trip represents.
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