Agrigento: knives and assault, the license of the owner of a nightclub in the province is suspended for fifteen days.

The provision was adopted following checks carried out between 9 and 10 March 2024 by the staff of the Police Headquarters Administrative Team.

Agrigento: knives and assault, the license of the owner of a nightclub in the province is suspended for fifteen days.

The provision was adopted following checks carried out between 9 and 10 March 2024 by the staff of the Police Headquarters Administrative Team.

During the checks, Public Security officers found two knives in the possession of two young people who were immediately identified.

Two other minors were tracked down and identified following an attack which took place inside the premises against a peer who, due to the beatings he had suffered, had to resort to medical treatment, who judged him to be curable. with a prognosis of 27 days.

The Police Headquarters therefore deemed it appropriate and necessary to intervene in favor of public order and safety with the temporary suspension of activity, with the aim of avoiding further disturbances to the safety of citizens.

Agrigento: emesso un decreto di sospensione della licenza per quindici giorni nei confronti del titolare di una discoteca della provincia.


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