Agrigento, they create chaos inside the reception centers: three Tunisians expelled by the Prefect

The Prefect yesterday executed three expulsion orders against three Tunisians because they were illegally on Italian soil and, having become adults, began to wander illegally through the reception facilities of the province, creating havoc within them with their impetuous ways of doing things and attitudes. The order has already been validated before the Justice of the Peace of Agrigento, they will return to their country of origin.

Agrigento, they create chaos inside the reception centers: three Tunisians expelled by the Prefect

The State Police's activity to combat irregular immigration continues that, in the province of Agrigento, in the last week, carried out the direct repatriation of five illegal foreign citizens in the province.

In particular, yesterday, July 4, 2024, staff of'The Immigration Office of the Agrigento Police Headquarters has executed three expulsion orders from the national territory of the Prefect of Agrigento against the same number of Tunisian citizens.

The foreigners were illegally present on the national territory since, upon reaching the age of majority, athe integration paths provided for by law had been abandoned and began to wander illegally around the reception facilities in the province, bringing disarray within them with impetuous ways of doing things and attitudes, often held even in the presence of minors.

Therefore, the same after having been traced in the territory of the municipality of Racalmuto, they were taken to the police offices, where they are the measures for revocation of residence permits and the consequent expulsion measures have been notified.

Consequently, thanks to the rapid action of the staff of the Third Section of the Immigration Office, which has specific expertise in the field of illegal immigration, it was possible, in a few hours, to obtain validation of the execution of the measures, by the competent Justice of the Peace of Agrigento, and were immediately repatriated to Tunisia.Agrigento, creano scompiglio all'interno dei centri d'accoglienza: tre tunisini espulsi dal Prefetto

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