Verona: PM10 concentration, red alert continues. Probable rainfall over the weekend

Next Arpav check-up on Wednesday 7 February. Until then, all private and commercial Euro 5 diesel engines will be stopped. Conditions of atmospheric stability persist and PM10 levels are increasing throughout the Veneto Region

Verona: PM10 concentration, red alert continues. Probable rainfall over the weekend.

No significant meteorological changes, with the continuation of the absence of precipitation which has persisted since January 20th. A situation that affects the quality of the city's air, which remains at alert level 2 – red. From the Arpav bulletin of today the areas that from Tuesday 6 February, in addition to the city of Verona, will be in red rise to nine: Venice, Treviso, Vicenza, Castel Franco Veneto, Mirano, San Donà di Piave, San Bonifacio, Chioggia, Cittadella.
The situation in the Veneto Region is therefore worsening overall, pending a change in the weather probably expected for the weekend.
Until and including Wednesday 7 February, the traffic ban also remains for i Euro 5 diesel commercial vehicles from 8.30 to 12.30.
Furthermore, the traffic ban remains in force from 8.30 am to 18.30 pm for all private diesel cars up to Euro 5, petrol vehicles up to Euro 2, commercial diesel vehicles up to Euro 4 and Euro 1 mopeds.
The bulletin is issued on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
To limit the production of PM10, everyone's commitment is needed. Citizens are invited to respect the bans already in place, and to adopt virtuous lifestyles and environmentally friendly behavior in order to contribute to improving air quality in our city.
It is therefore advisable to use the car as little as possible, preferring public transport, to limit travel to those strictly necessary and not to keep the engines running while parked.
As regards homes, the advice is to reduce the operating hours of heating systems. The temperature of buildings, classified as residences and similar, and public buildings, must be maintained at 18° C.
With the orange and red alert, the prohibition to use domestic heat generators powered by woody biomass (in the presence of an alternative heating system), with energy and emission performances that are not capable of respecting the values ​​envisaged at least for the 4 star class.
Prohibition on open burning. Grass clippings, prunings and other agricultural residues should not be burned, given that open combustion further increases the production and diffusion of dust and polluting components.
Traffic. Home-work travel. Movement remains permitted, limited to the shortest home-work route, for workers who, due to distance or particular start and finish times, cannot use public transport. Only vehicles used for the transport of goods powered by Euro 5 diesel can load and unload goods throughout the municipal territory in the time slot from 8.30 to 11.
Green light for the circulation of all bi-fuel vehicles, i.e. with LPG or methane systems, powered by both petrol and diesel, as long as they strictly use LPG or methane gas when travelling; Furthermore, methane, LPG, electric, hybrid and petrol cars above Euro 2 can circulate.
Car-pooling is permitted, i.e. 3 people on board for larger cars and 2 for two-seaters.
Green light also for vehicles of disabled people equipped with a badge, and for those used for rescue tasks, including those of doctors on duty and veterinarians on urgent home visits.
No restrictions on circulation on road sections. Eastern ring road – from Via Valpantena at the Poiano junction to the junction towards the Verona Est motorway toll booth and the nearby Southern ring road.
Southern ring road – from the junction of the Verona Est motorway toll booth to that of the Verona Nord toll booth. Motorway sections falling within municipal territory.
Furthermore, possibility of circulation to reach the Fair, Stadium and Sports Hall, limited to the routes to and from the nearest ring roads and motorway toll booths, in addition to the route from ring roads and motorways, to reach camper areas in Porta Palio and in via Belfiore.
All information on the website Municipality of Verona.
Verona: concentrazione PM10, prosegue l'allerta rossa. Probabili precipitazioni nel fine settimana
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