
Rome, strategic committee for security between Italy and the United Kingdom

Particular focus was dedicated to the experiences of de-escalating violent radicalization and early identification of the transmission of terrorist propaganda that increasingly involves minors.

Rome, strategic committee for security between Italy and the United Kingdom

On 22 November, the Strategic Committee for Security between Italy and the United Kingdom was held in London to address the main challenges involving the police forces of the two countries. The delegations, led for Italy by Prefect Vittorio Pisani, Chief of Police, Director General of Public Security, and by Matthew Rycroft, Home Office Permanent Secretary, discussed issues such as the fight against illegal immigration, the terrorist threat and cybercrime, and the fight against transnational criminal organizations.

Roma, comitato strategico per la sicurezza tra Italia e Regno Unito

The idea that emerged during the meeting is to create a permanent task force between Italy and the United Kingdom to analyse information and identify the illicit proceeds from the exploitation of migrants. (from the “follow the money” perspective), also using the possibilities offered by artificial intelligence for police purposes. Initiative that aims to represent the engine for the involvement of other Countries and Agencies to enrich information and scenarios, as well as operational tools.

Roma, comitato strategico per la sicurezza tra Italia e Regno Unito

Particular focus was dedicated to the experiences of de-escalating violent radicalization and early identification of the transmission of terrorist propaganda that increasingly involves minors.


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