Intesa MIM – Cecchettin Foundation against violence against women

Memorandum of Understanding against violence against women, entitled "Educating to respect: shared actions to prevent all forms of violence against women by combating stereotypes and gender discrimination" signed by the Ministry of Education and Merit and the Foundation created by Giulia Cecchettin's father, after the tragic murder of the girl by her boyfriend.

Intesa MIM – Cecchettin Foundation against violence against women

"The agreement between the Ministry of Education and Merit and the Cecchettin Foundation can be a turning point in the difficult path to affirm among young people the culture of mutual respect, of mature and non-violent management of relationship difficulties in the sentimental, scholastic, family, acquaintances and friendships spheres. More aware young people will be more mature boys and more balanced and serene men and women. Well done Gino Cecchettin and Minister Valditara. A solid alliance has been built and a harbinger of excellent results".

It is favorable toopinion of the President of the Veneto Region, Luca Zaia, Memorandum of Understanding against violence against women, entitled “Educating to respect: shared actions to prevent all forms of violence against women by contrasting stereotypes and gender discrimination" signed by the Ministry of Education and Merit and the Foundation created by Giulia Cecchettin's father, after the tragic murder of the girl by her boyfriend, a self-confessed criminal.

Intesa MIM - Fondazione Cecchettin contro la violenza sulle donne

"The precision, breadth and concreteness of the protocol – he adds Zaia – are a beautiful example of an alliance characterized by facts and actions never seen before, when unfortunately we often stopped at words. I am sure that Giulia, from up there, will be applauding, she as well as the many girls and women victims of the same barbarity. A father and the Institutions have joined forces and the actions that they will implement promise to be harbingers of a turning point. The consciences and hearts of Veneto and the Venetians – he concludes – have been torn apart by Giulia's story, whose memory must never fade. As far as I am concerned, I guarantee from now, if the signatories deem it useful, the commitment of the Veneto Region to support in any way possible this path of civilization".

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