The Florence Dog Unit loses the dog Battman, a German shepherd, who died from an incurable disease.

In service for over 8 years, it should be remembered for the discovery of over 750.000 gr. of Hashish, 23.000 gr. of Marijuana, 24.000 g and allowed the arrest of 126 subjects

The Florence Dog Unit loses the dog Battman, a German shepherd, who died from an incurable disease.

He served at the Florence Dog Unit as a drug detection dog from 2016 to the beginning of 2024.

Born on 02/02/2015 he was assigned to his handler the following year and together they formed an exceptional pairing. The relationship between dog and handler is an indissoluble bond and when the dog, for reasons of age, stops working for the police, it is usually adopted by the handler himself. This was the intention of Battman's trainer but he couldn't do it.

A few days ago, due to a disease incurable, Battman, a beautiful German shepherd specialized in the search for narcotic substances, has died in service for over 8 years to the Carabinieri Dog Unit, based in Florence.

  • Among the awards we remember that:
    on 20/04/2018, the Pro Loco of Montelupo Fiorentino (FI) with the patronage of the Municipality of Montelupo Fiorentino, drew up an invitation in favor of said dog unit, which, on the occasion of the dog event called "DOG'S LIFE” which took place on 20 May 2018 at the Ambrogiana Park at the Medici Villa in Montelupo Fiorentino (FI), was awarded in consideration of the meritorious conduct carried out in the institutional service;
  • on 18/12/2019, the Tuscan Press Association awarded the "Tuscan Journalists Award"
    2019” the APS.qs BARSALI and the dog BATTMAN, with the following motivation “Every day on the front line in defense of citizens in the fight against illegal activities and, in particular, drug trafficking”.

Among the positive services carried out by Battman over the years, it is worth mentioning that:

  • to. 13/03/2018, in Fucecchio (FI), during a service carried out in support of the CC Company. of Empoli, allowed the discovery of 6180 grams of Hashish and 28 g of Marijuana, allowing the arrest of a person for possession and dealing of narcotic substances;
  • b. 23/10/2018, in San Giovanni Valdarno (FI), during a search service in support of the local Carabinieri Company, 4237 grams of marijuana, 58 grams of Hashish and several Cannabis Indica plants were found, allowing the arrest of one person for possession, trafficking and illegal cultivation of narcotic substances;
  • c. 05/02/2020, in Campi Bisenzio (FI), during a search service in support of the Operational Unit of the CC Company. of Signa, found 3500 grams of Cocaine hidden in a false bottom inside a vehicle, allowing the arrest of a foreign citizen.

During his activity Battman goes remembered the discovery of over 750.000 gr. of Hashish, 23.000 gr. of Marijuana, 24.000 gr. Cocaine also allowed the arrest of 126 subjects. His service will never be forgotten.

Il Nucleo Cinofili di Firenze perde il cane Battman, pastore tedesco, morto per un male incurabile.

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