Maranello, a Ferrari-branded high-level training center is born

A memorandum of understanding was signed between the Region, Province, Municipality, Ferrari and the Giovanni Agnelli Foundation

Maranello, a Ferrari-branded high-level training center is born.

It will be born in the heart of the Italian Motor Valley, in Maranello (MO), a new high technical training hub in the context of mechanics and automotive weblog Ferrari. It will host a series of study courses whose objective is to train highly specialized professionals in the automotive sector.

It is the result of the memorandum of understanding signed by Emilia-Romagna Region, Province of Modena, Municipality of Maranello, Ferrari Spa e Giovanni Agnelli Foundation.

The project aims to create a center for high technical training for train and attract new talent in the sector and represents an important step forward in Ferrari's historic commitment to excellent education and training. The new center will have the aim of preparing a new generation of highly specialized professionals in the automotive sector, contributing to the innovation of the entire sector at a national and international level.

«This project represents an important step for the future of the automotive industry not only in the region, but at a national and international level, because it brings together Ferrari's engineering excellence and traditional capacity for innovation, with the commitment of the Region and all the bodies involved in investing in human capital and its – say the councilors for Economic Development and Training, Vincent Colla, and to University and Research, Paula Salomoni-. The new high technical training hub will be just a learning centre, which will help keep the region and therefore the country at the forefront of the global automotive sector, thanks to a new generation of automotive professionals".

«We thank you – they continue president and councilors - Ferrari and the Giovanni Agnelli Foundation for their trust in our training and production system and for their willingness to actively contribute to the development of this center of excellence. A truly ambitious project, which fully meets the objectives of the Pact for Work and Climate and the Regional Law for the attraction, retention and valorization of talent in Emilia-Romagna. We continue to work and invest in quality training and work, which allow us not to undergo change, but to govern it, and at the same time to make Emilia-Romagna an increasingly attractive region at an international level".

«We are at the first formal stage of the project, which marks the beginning of a journey that has extraordinary potential – the words of the mayor of Maranello, Luigi Zironi -. It is a complex and ambitious operation, but together with the partners we are working with we are aware of how much it can impact the future of Maranello and our kids, who, thanks to new scholastic and professional opportunities, will be increasingly ready to manage the technological challenges that await us. For our city it is a dream and with this signature, today, we are really starting to build it".

Maranello, nasce un polo di alta formazione targato Ferrari

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