Arezzo: The Association of Rural Landscapes of Historical Interest is born

The tradition for the transition

Arezzo: The Association of Rural Landscapes of Historical Interest is born.

She was born today ad Arezzo the Association of Rural Landscapes of Historical Interest, PRIS in its acronym. The initiative it arises from below and involves heterogeneous territories from north to south, united by the presence of a traditional agricultural activity that has linked culture and nature for decades. A tribute to the custodians of traditional and heroic agriculture of our most beautiful territories,  From the vineyard hills of Soave (VR) to the terraced olive groves of Vallecorsa (FR), from the landscape of Leopoldina reclamation in Valdichiana (AR) to the lemon groves of Amalfi (SA), from the hills of Conegliano Valdobbiadene landscape of Prosecco Superiore (TV) to the agricultural landscape of the plain of monumental olive groves of Puglia (BR), from the lands of Gresta (TN) to the landscape polyculture of Mandrolisai the vineyards of Atzara and Sorgono (NU), from the landscape of the Roman land reclamation and the flooded fields of the Rieti plain (RI) to the dry stone walls that distinguish traditional crops on the island of Pantelleria (TP), passing through the Olive belt between Assisi and Spoleto (PG) and the polycultural landscape of Trequanda (SI): 25 of the 27 historic rural landscapes registered in the National Register have officially formed an Association.

The initiative comes following the first Congress of Rural Landscapes of Historical Interest held in Florence in autumn 2021 and the signature of Memorandum of Understanding signed to Rome, at MiPAAF, in July 2022 among all the bodies representing the individual territories. At the helm of the Association, as president, Patrizia Lusi representing the agricultural landscape of historic olive trees of Belvedere fiefdom, in Puglia. Roberta Casini, mayor of Lucignano, was elected vice president of the new body: “For me it is a great honor to represent Tuscany and Valdichiana. After intense work, today we reach an important milestone, with the aim of intercepting important resources for the protection and development of our territory".

On the board, together with Lusi and Casini, ten members of the National Coordination identified to ensure fair geographical and "gender" representation. The functioning of the new third sector body will be guaranteed by a Dedicated secretariat relating to the UNESCO Chair “Landscapes of agricultural heritage” directed by Prof. Mauro Agnoletti as Chairholder.

In terms of mission, the PRIS Association will give voice to that agriculture which is an expression of our cultural roots intrinsically linked to the territory and to the work of man in a perspective of tradition that can guide the sustainable glocal transition at an environmental, economic and social level . A new body which will therefore act as an institutional interlocutor at a regional and national level, hoping for and demanding the maintenance, protection and promotion of traditional agricultural heritage starting from the recognition of the work of the custodians as well as protagonists of the territories: the farmers .

The 25 historical landscapes represent as many examples of sustainable agriculture to testify to the harmonious interrelationship between man and nature based on reciprocity capable of becoming a driving force for the development of the local economy. Numerous upcoming events will see the newly established Association as protagonists, including a national public event to be organized in Amalfi (SA) within the year.

Arezzo: Nasce l'Associazione dei Paesaggi Rurali di Interesse Storico

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