Pescara: 1886 people checked, 3 people investigated at liberty: the State Police report in the railway sector on the August bank holiday weekend

During these services, in addition to checks on travellers, the railway police operators used the supplied smartphones for real-time control of documents and metal detectors for baggage inspection.

Pescara: 1886 people checked, 3 people investigated at liberty: the balance of the State Police in the railway sector on the weekend of August XNUMXth.

1886 people checked, 3 people under investigation in a state of freedom, 146 security services in the station, 12 security services on board the train with 24 trains attended, 10 self-assembled patrols along the line, 5 high administrative sanctions, 3 people proposed for police action , 1 minor traced.

This is the balance of the activity carried out by the men of Railway Police Department for Marche, Umbria and Abruzzo in the days preceding the mid-August holiday characterized by a massive exodus of people and the influx of numerous tourists.

An intensification of surveillance services by the women and men of the State Police both inside the stations and on board the trains, to guarantee the safety of citizens and travelers as well as those who work in the railway sector through the prevention and fight against criminal phenomena.

During these services, in addition to checks on travellers, the railway police operators used the supplied smartphones for real-time control of documents and metal detectors for baggage inspection.

Pescara: 1886 le persone controllate, 3 persone indagate in stato di libertà: il bilancio della Polizia di Stato in ambito ferroviario nel weekend di Ferragosto

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