Abruzzo: tomorrow the visit of the President of the Republic of Albania

Diego Ferrara: "We are pleased with this step, which will give us the opportunity to get to know an important and constantly growing reality more closely"

Abruzzo: tomorrow the visit of the President of the Republic of Albania

At the invitation of the Hon. Luciano D'Alfonso, Saturday 27 May President of the Republic of Albania, Bajram Begaj, will be in Abruzzo, precisely in Chieti and at Villa Badessa di Rosciano.

La first step of the presidential visit will take place at 11 am in the Council Room of the Province of Chieti. Present at the meeting will be – in addition to the Hon. Luciano D'Alfonso – also the prefect of Chieti Mario Della Cioppa, the police commissioner of Chieti Francesco De Cicco, the regional councilor Daniele D'Amario, the regional councilor Pietro Smargiassi, Mayor Diego Ferrara, the deputy mayor Paolo De Cesare, the president of the city council Luigi Febo and the delegate of the Municipality of Tollo Adriatik Ziu, of Albanian origin.

At 11,50 Begaj will arrive at the church of Santa Maria Assunta in Piazza Skanderbeg, in Villa Badessa di Rosciano, for a meeting with the Albanian community present in the area. The mayor of Rosciano Simone Palozzo, the prefect of Pescara Giancarlo Di Vincenzo, the Hon. Luciano D'Alfonso as an Albanian citizen, the president of the cultural association of the Arberesh community of Villa Badessa Anna Maria Passeri and the president of the Albanian association “Roots and wings” Silvana Muço Dogani.

All 12,20 pm the Albanian President will give his speech, followed by a visit to the permanent historical and ethno-anthropological exhibition of the Arberesh community, with illustration of two iconographic works. Then there will be the delivery of honorary citizenship by the mayor of Rosciano and the delivery of gifts by the president of the cultural association of the Arberesh community of Villa Badessa. Finally, the toast with typical products of the Arberesh tradition.

“I am happy that President Begaj accepted my invitation – comments the Hon. Luciano D'Alfonso – as a sign of friendship towards our land of Abruzzo. This is an event conceived and created with the Europa Prossima Foundation, which has among its aims that of promoting the process of European integration starting from culture, and with my Officina. I also want to thank the Municipality and Province of Chieti, the Municipality of Rosciano and the cultural association of Villa Badessa for their active contribution. We are aware that the Adriatic States constitute a fundamental relational system inscribed in the distant Hellenic roots of the idea of ​​Europe, which must find a new expression in the current process of building the European Union. Albania with its centuries-old history offers an interesting paradigm in the system of Adriatic relations, which deserves to be known and recognized, also in awareness of the important path that this nation is taking in view of joining the European Union".

"We are pleased with this step, which will give us the opportunity to get to know more closely an important and constantly growing reality and cultivate a strategic institutional relationship for our territory and also for the Albanian one - said Mayor Diego Ferrara – We know that there is also a valuable entrepreneurial contribution from our territory which has been operating there for years and has favored the rebirth of that land, which today is a political, economic and cultural laboratory that many countries look to with interest. We are therefore grateful for this visit, promoted by the Honorable D'Alfonso whom we thank for the interest shown in our city and we hope it will become the beginning of a lasting bond between countries and institutions that want to cultivate the seed of peace, hope in future and commitment to the common good. An intent that we have put down in black and white on a certificate of friendship that we will deliver to him tomorrow together with a memory of Chieti".

Abruzzo: domani la visita del Presidente della Repubblica d'Albania

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