Venice: Zaia “From Belluno to all of Veneto, exemplary rescues while people celebrated. Thanks to all the operators with pride and gratitude”
President Zaia's thanks to the operators
Venice: Zaia “From Belluno to all of Veneto, exemplary rescues while people celebrated. Thanks to all the operators with pride and gratitude”
"The 200 visits to the Emergency Rooms of the Belluno hospitals, the flights of the Falco 1 and Falco 2 helicopters, the countless missions of the Suem 118 ambulances, the selflessness of the Alpine Rescue team that saved three hikers ventured where perhaps it was not worth risking. It is from Belluno that the litmus test of an emergency service emerges that, throughout the Veneto, has worked as it should, helping anyone who needed it and working with efficiency, promptness, and excellent organization, so much so that all the injured were treated properly".
The President of the Region, Luca Zaia, says so, in light of the excellent performance given by the emergency rescue system throughout the Veneto region, during these two days of great celebrations and holidays to welcome the new year.
“When the majority of us indulge in a sacrosanct moment of lightheartedness – Zaia recalls – It should never be forgotten that hundreds of women and men, highly trained professionals, watch over our health, in hospitals, in emergency rooms, on helicopters and in ambulances, perhaps celebrating a minute with a soft drink in a paper cup. To all of them I extend my most heartfelt and proud thanks.".
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