Venice, prevention activities by the State Police. 39 measures in total in the last few weeks

As part of the adoption of strategies aimed at preventing criminal activities in the province of Venice, the Police Chief of Venice has adopted 39 dissuasive-preventive measures aimed at ensuring legality.

Venice, prevention activities by the State Police. 39 measures in total in the last few weeks

As part of the adoption of strategies aimed at preventing criminal acts in the province of Venice, in the last weeks, the Police Chief of Venice, thanks to the work carried out by the Anti-Crime Police Division, has adopted 39 dissuasive-preventive measures aimed at ensuring legality.

Preventive measures issued by the Police Commissioner on the proposal of all the Police forces located in the Province who have reported to the Anti-Crime Police Division of the Venice Police Headquarters individuals considered to be socially dangerous in various ways and gravitating in the territory.

Specifically, 7 mandatory expulsion orders were issued, which removed from various municipalities of the Province as many people considered socially dangerous, prohibiting them from returning to cities with which they have no connection. 12 were the oral warnings. Measures by which the Police Chief ordered individuals deemed socially dangerous to behave in accordance with the law.

Venezia, attività di prevenzione da parte della Polizia di Stato. 39 provvedimenti complessivi nelle ultime settimane

Furthermore, measures to prevent the phenomenon of violence against women should be mentioned.

In this context, The Police Chief of Venice has issued 12 warnings for domestic violence and 7 warnings for stalking, against the same number of individuals, warning them not to engage in harassing or dangerous behavior.

Furthermore, the Venice Police Chief issued a Daspo Willy order and the Jesolo Local Police notified it.

The facts that led to the issuing of the provision date back to a few days ago, when the Local Police officers intervened in Jesolo, following a report of an armed man near a club.

The man, later identified by the Local Police officers, was prohibited by the Police Chief of Venice, on the proposal of the Local Police, from accessing and staying in the immediate vicinity of some public establishments in Jesolo.

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