Venice, balance of the activity of the year 2024 by the Air and Maritime Border Police

2024 was a year characterized by a boom in passenger travel, for tourism and economic reasons, which particularly affected the city of Venice

Venice, balance of the activity of the year 2024 by the Air and Maritime Border Police

2024 was a year characterized by a boom in passenger travel, for tourism and economic reasons, which particularly affected the city of Venice, for its touristic and economic connotation as well as its great international vocation.

In particular, Venice Marco Polo Airport, the third largest international airport in Italy in terms of importance and its role as a link with other international airports, recorded a significant flow of passengers, both in the Schengen area and outside of Schengen, for a total of approximately 12 million passengers arriving and departing from the airport.

The constant and incisive activity carried out by the Lagoon Border Police in particular, is aimed at countering the criminal conduct that typically emerges during border controls, such as crimes related to document fraud., not underestimating predatory crimes in the airport environment, also providing for the execution of various prison orders issued by the Judicial Authority.

During the year 2024, 2100 passengers were subjected to further in-depth checks when crossing the border in order to verify that they met the conditions for entry into the territory.

Venezia, bilancio dell'attività dell'anno 2024 da parte della Polizia di Frontiera Aerea e Marittima

77 foreign citizens were reported for the purpose of revoking their residence permit, having spent continuous periods abroad longer than permitted by current legislation, while 42 foreign citizens, already holders of an Italian residence permit, were also found to be in possession of a residence permit from another state, therefore, they were reported to the issuing Immigration Offices for subsequent evaluation regarding the maintenance of the stay.

In this regard, it is necessary to recall the targeted preventive services in the context of anti-terrorism activities, and the surveillance services and security devices set up at the airport during the transit of numerous personalities such as Heads of State and Government, personalities from the national and international political, economic and entertainment worlds; among these, it is necessary to mention, last April, the visit of the Supreme Pontiff as well as the G7 Justice event last May, the Art Biennale and the Film Festival, a fundamental event on the international scene.

In the port area, however, the main activity of passenger control is concentrated in the Terminal Hub in Fusina, with targeted checks at the docking of ferries coming from Greece, an area at risk for the phenomenon of illegal immigration, a phenomenon that, in recent years, has decreased also thanks to the discussions held by the Border Office with the maritime carriers, with the Security managers and with the coordination of the collateral bodies of the Greek police.

During the year, 936 visas were issued at the border, authorizations provided that can be granted by the Border Police to foreign citizens, for entry into the territory of the Italian Republic, in special cases and to shipboard personnel and seamen to allow them to transit disembark from the ships where they carry out work activities.

The activity of the Maritime and Air Border Police Office of Venice has allowed us to achieve important results during the year 2024.

1670 reports were received at the Border Police Offices at Marco Polo Airport, mostly of thefts or losses, from people arriving or departing from Venice.

60 people were arrested, 108 people were reported at liberty and 221 foreign citizens were rejected at the border and re-embarked on air carriers.

Furthermore, 164 counterfeit documents or visas were discovered by the Unit specialized in document forgery.

During the year 2024, again, with regard to administrative police and security profiles, at Marco Polo Airport in Tessera 151 sanctions were imposed for administrative violations inflicted on air and sea carriers and passengers in general, for a total amount of 140.000 Euro for violations of the Consolidated Immigration Act, violations of the National Civil Security Program and the National Maritime Security Program, violations of the Highway and Navigation Code.

Finally, 16 administrative measures were issued by the Border Office requiring removal from the airport facility for anyone who does not have a valid travel document or reasons for staying there, pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 14/2017.

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