Venice: State Police anti-pickpocketing services intensified at train stations

The Venice State Police's activity of prevention and contrast of the pickpocketing phenomenon continues, a constant commitment to the safety of citizens

Venice: State Police anti-pickpocketing services intensified at train stations

La Railway Police has strengthened the crime prevention and repression services in Mestre and Venice Santa Lucia train stations, with the use of uniformed officers, in civilian clothes and through the monitoring of images recorded by video surveillance cameras, to identify any individuals who, due to their conduct, are likely to be engaged in pickpocketing.

The policemen of the POLFER, after having notified the removal order against 7 alleged pickpockets who were hanging around the Santa Lucia station where they were located and stopped, proceeded to accompany one of them to the CPR in Rome, to notify 3 of the compulsory expulsion order, to report 4 for violation of the compulsory expulsion order and toarrest of a woman.

The latter, checked by the police near the station of the lagoon city, had against it numerous precedents of police for property crime all likely committed in the city of Milano.

As soon as she was found in Venice, she was identified and following more in-depth checks by the police, a precautionary custody order in prison issued by the Judicial Authority of Milano, following failure to comply with the precautionary measure of "residence prohibition" in the context of criminal proceedings for theft.

The police carried out the order and the woman was associated with the Women's Prison Venice "Giudecca".

Venezia: Intensificati nelle stazioni ferroviarie i servizi anti-borseggio della Polizia di Stato

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