Venice: Fight against pickpocketing, 3 mandatory expulsion orders and 1 expulsion

territory checks

Venice: Fight against pickpocketing, 3 mandatory expulsion orders and 1 expulsion

As part of the activity aimed at Countering the phenomenon of pickpocketing, the State Police of Venice has intensified controls and services aimed at preventing and combating this phenomenon crime near the railway stations. At the Santa Lucia Railway Station, personnel from the Judicial Police Squad of the Venice Railway Police Department have a foreign citizen stopped for a check which was located in the commercial area of ​​the station near the ticket offices.

Following investigations the woman, already burdened by several previous police convictions for property crimes, as well as having already been hit in the past by orders to leave the territory, she was found to have failed to comply with the Mandatory Exit Notice previously issued by the Venice Police Chief.

Furthermore, in the external square of the Venice Santa Lucia station, near the vaporetto landings, the Railway Police officers have identified four young women, including the citizen checked only the previous day. After waiting for the arrival of three other girls, they headed towards the station entrance. The seven women were stopped and accompanied by the operators to the Police Offices for checks. Four were found to be non-compliant with the Mandatory departure order issued by the Police Chief of Venice.

Against the three others, all with numerous police records for predatory crimes, the Police Commissioner of Venice, Gaetano Bonaccorso, he issued an equal number of mandatory exit orders, removing them from the city of Venice. Furthermore one of the women, who was already burdened by an expulsion order from Italian territory, following the formal procedures carried out by the Immigration Office of the Venice Police Headquarters, was the recipient of an expulsion order from the national territory and subsequently accompanied by staff working at an Immigration Centre.

Venezia: Contrasto al fenomeno dei borseggi, 3 fogli di via obbligatori ed 1 espulsione

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